Чит для лиг cs go

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Hi All,
As I'm sure you all know there is a new CSGO Operation that came out a few hours ago which broke the CSGO Cheat. The update is hefty at 2.2GB, they have changed many things in the base of the game to make some new add-ons.
However I have updated the CSGO Cheats to work at this point in time, except for the Entity ESP (must turn off in ESP Settings or entity=0 in settings file). I will play around with the entity ESP over the next 48 hours and see exactly why it is broken. I do not have the time to do it at this second and I wanted to get the update out for everyone to be able to play with the new operation otherwise.


As many people are left with very broken cheats from this new update; we are here and working once again

I hope that everyone enjoys this new operation; if any features are found to be broken or other bugs are found please report them via support ticket or drop a line here in this thread.

There is quite a bit more coming in the form of Gamers Club Cheats and Esportal Cheats very soon, I just cannot talk about all the details yet. Lots of changes are being made behind the scenes with League Cheats in general and not only with the CSGO Cheats.

Please download the new version via our Cloud Updater or the Login Updater for those of you who still have the client.

League Cheats Labor Day Sale, Site updates


Hello everyone,
The past month has been a difficult one. After the initial restoration of the site; we have spent the entire month in the back-end rebuilding the links, images and threads of the past. As such the cheat updates that were supposed to be released in the last month; obviously did not come. As things are getting back on track now; we expect to have all the updates done in the next couple weeks as the website is fully functional at this point in time. However please understand that functional doesn't mean that it isn't possible to encounter a bug or a broken thread; it is just that all the major features work and things like the wiki and stores work.
After the tireless work we have done; we would like to celebrate Labor day! Therefore we are doing the largest labor day sale we have ever done. A WHOPPING 40% off! Yes FORTY PERCENT off our CSGO Hacks, CSGO Cheats (CSGO Cheat Packages), HL1 Cheats, CS1.6 Cheats, CZ Cheats, TFC Cheats (All HL1 Cheat Package), CSS Cheats / CSS Aimbot, HL2DM Cheats, TF2 Cheats, (HL2 Cheat Packages). So essentially everything we make here at League Cheats is on sale for the next 3 days.

While you are here; make sure to check out some of the new work that has been done. Especially the reorganizing of the WIki, Anti-Cheat Status Page, Buy Page Tutorial, First Time Buyer FAQ, First Run Guide, LAN Hack Guide and many others!
Please let us know if you find issues with any of the above posts as we have built all of these for all of you to reference!

We hope to have more information related to the cheat updates in the very near future. For the moment please Enjoy Labor Day with a 40% Off Coupon LABORDAY21! The Cheats can be purchased at the discounted rate via our eCommerce Store w/ the provided coupon (LABORDAY21)

Website downtime & Restoration + Data Loss Info (7/30/21 Backup)

Hi all,
What a week it has been. As posted in our telegram group (which you should definitely join); the website server crashed on Sunday night.
This is a unique experience for us since our web-servers have never been lost in the past 14 years of LeagueCheats existence.
We have spent the week rebuilding the website from back from various backups as we learned that our backups aren't as good as we once thought they were (first time we really needed them in 14 years) and as such it took around 100 hours and the help of multiple people to get the website up.
I want to issue a heartfelt thanks to all of our staff here who put in hours around the clock to bring the website back up.

The Forum Database Backup Date is 7/30/21 (July 30, 2021 for those of you with a different calendar). Therefore if you made a post, ticket, upload, etc past that time; you will need to re-do it. If you signed up after that time; your account doesn't exist here (part of the reason why this message is on the front page).

With that being said; Things Are Not Perfect. IF you encounter a bug, please put in a ticket. If your avatar is missing; please re-upload it. If you posted some images in a thread and they are missing; please re-upload them.

The build server is not up at the time that I am writing this (if you are reading this days later then there is no reason it wouldn't be up); it will likely be up in 24 more hours. We hope to have the majority of issues ironed out over the next 72 hours; as the major issues should be behind all of us at this point in time.

The faster we get the website back up the faster we can go back to developing the great products that you all know and love!

To the future,
Jimster480 & LC Staff

DogeCoin Acceptance + Site Updates & Downtime

Hi all,
We are happy to announce that we now accept DogeCoin for our CSGO Cheats / CS1.6 Cheats / CSS Cheats / HL2 Cheats, we officially enabled the support last night. Prior to this DogeCoin was available only through private payment methods but it is now available for all customers directly through our store. To celebrate the rolling out of DogeCoin we are having a 18% off sale with the coupon code DOGECOIN18. This sale will go on for 1 week from today and it will apply to all of our cheats. This means the CSGO Cheats (CSGO Aimbot), HL1 Cheats (CS1.6 Aimbot), HL2 Cheats (CSS Aimbot / TF2 Aimbot), We are glad to continue to increase our available payment methods during these difficult unprecedented times.
Additionally we have observed issues with our store with checkout. Please retry your payment again if the page is cleared the first time around. We are working to fix these issues and hope to have any issues ironed out before the end of the weekend.

We are scheduling a site maintenance Window from 2AM to 4AM EST 7/24/2021. During this time the website and/or other services may be down. It is very rare that we take down any of our services but due to the large number of server software exploits which have come to light in the past week; we must reboot all of our servers to apply these patches.

Unfortunately we do not have any news on our GamersClub Cheats or for the FastCup Cheats at this point in time. The myriad of server changes & website updates going on behind the scenes over the past week has kept us busy. We understand that many people are waiting for these specific products, especially for the GamersClub Cheats as GamersClub has come to the USA now. We hope to have more information for you very soon!

Thanks for your understanding and Happy Cheating!

-Jimster480 & LC Staff

LeagueCheats 14th Anniversary Sale

How do I even begin? Just this week as I was working on the new GamersClub and Universal Cheats I realized that I have been doing this for almost 16 years. Which means that this is around the time that LC was started. The date specifically was 6/17/2007 which is 14 years ago just a few days ago. I forgot about the date because things have been so hectic (development has only gotten harder over the last 5 years).

To Celebrate this long and hard journey; I am having a 40% off sale for the next few days (ends Thursday 12AM EST) . All products on the store will be 40% off regardless of the choice of what you order! (Use Coupon Code ANNIVERSARY14)

Happy Cheating and cheers to the future!

Jimster480 & The Management

Спойлер: Video

LeagueCheats HL2/CSS Update 6/13/21

Small update here. We have had some issues with the HL2 / CSS cheat over the last weeks and I am issuing a formal update for it. Offset finders are fixed and a new auto offset compensation system is built in that will inform users if any of the offsets fail to be processed. This will allow users to inform us if updates need to be completed sooner rather than later. I also updated the loader to the current version used by the CSGO cheats + updated the encryption algorithms the new randomization system and of course used the newer versions of the protection software. This basically brings the HL2 cheats up to speed with the CSGO hacks in terms of the security, there are still some missing features on the HL2 versions but I don't see a need to work to add those at this point in time.

Due to the low volume of the HL2 cheats the current versions should suffice for some time. If there are issues with crashing; please disable multicore rendering in any game that crashes. This wasn't an issue in the past but due to the more recent updates of the HL2 engine; there seems to be an issue with multicore rendering in some scenarios. Since these games are old; there should be no problem running the games in single core mode to 200-400+fps.

If there is demand I can also make L4D versions of the HL2 cheats (has to be a separate version) that I could possibly bundle with the HL2 cheats as 2 different packages. Taking some look at L4D: it shouldn't take too much work to fork the HL2 cheats into a L4D version. Also if there is interest in cheats for Black Mesa; that can be done as well as it is a version based around CSGO + Source. So I can make a new hybrid project that would work on Black Mesa. Not sure about the overall market here but if there is interest please comment.

As always, please download the new version from the Download page.

Jimster480 & LC Staff

LeagueCheats CSGO Update 5/3/2021 & Star Wars Day Sale

Hi all,
It's been a while since I wrote a new newsletter but don't be worried; there is a lot going on behind the scenes. I have been working on many different projects that I am going to share with you soon.

As most of you know there was a large CSGO update today; the cheats have been updated to work on the new version. At this point in time only Pro League & GC have not been updated. These updates will come out in the next days with what is hopefully the new versions of the bypasses. If not then I will release another separate update version if the bypass is not available yet.

As of right now the CSGO League Multi, Non-League Multi, League ESP, and Non-League ESP are all updated. Please use the cheat download page to download the new version. You can also use the legacy Login Updater Client if you wish. There should be no issues with the new versions of CSGO. If you encounter an issue please put in a ticket for support.
There are some new / changed features coming to the CSGO cheat; but unfortunately I didn't have time to test them with this abrupt update so they have been disabled for now. I look forward to sharing them with everyone very soon.

I am also going to do a 30% off sale for "Star Wars Day" May the Fourth. This sale will run until the end of the week. Code is STARWARS applicable in our store only and not the buy pages.

I look forward to sharing more details with everyone soon!

We also have a new position open up as a Video Editor. The requirements for the position are as follows

Читы для Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO)

Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO), то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.

При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.

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