Castlevania circle of the moon читы

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Magician mode:
Enter FIREBALL as a name and start a new game. If you entered
the code correctly, the word Magician will appear on the option
screen. All trading cards will be available under the DSS option.

Shooter mode:
Enter CROSSBOW as a name and start a new game. If you entered the
code correctly, the word Shooter will appear on the option screen.
Nathan will have a substantial number of hearts, extra sub-weapon
damage, and can use the Homing Dagger sub-weapon in this mode.

Fighter mode:
Enter GRADIUS as a name and start a new game. If you entered the
code correctly, the word Fighter will appear on the option screen.
Nathan will be stronger and able to sustain more damage. There are
no trading cards in this mode.

Thief mode:
Enter DAGGER as a name and start a new game to get your character
thief stats.

Card trick:
If you really want to use a card but dont have it then just pick two cards you have. Then activate the dss but when he lights up, pause and go to the dss screen. Then pick the card combination that you dont have and unpause. You wil have the powers of the cards that you chose when you paused.

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