Battle brothers коды карт

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

13 авг. 2020 в 22:52

found the seed looking at poachers seeds, all 3 poacher bros have decent stats where they matter most (hunter 59range skill), and the traits are all positive. seed looks similarly positive for southern mercenaries. have not checked it for every start.

ok, I don't know if I'm the best at judging seeds based on looking at the map, but I reccomend this seed because of the map. the main advantage of this map is the clusters of settlements with good road systems. especially the fact that there is a loop in the south with two harbors, all 3 city states, a small town with dye, and a citadel. there is also a loop with decent roads in the north but there is some slowing terrain along the north. biggest fault of this map is that the only two harbors are close to each other, but at least they are both within the best loop of roads. it seems like there is a good mix of settlements on different terrains on this map.

edit - added screenshot -

edit2 - I'm not as happy with the above seed as I was 1 day after the release of blazing deserts. I've done a lot of seed hunting since then and wanted to add my best find to page 1 of this thread. I've shared alot of seeds I think are good in this thread, below is the most popular one so far -

peasant militia seed: TNZNYTDWNY

harbors: 2northwest, 2southwest, 1 citystate south

nice concentration of settlements for the northern house, south more spread out.

best set of brothers I've ever found on a peasant militia seed I think (including on old versions of the game). my standard I shoot for is to find a good bannerman, 2 good ranged attackers, and as much good melee as possible, here are the brothers -
siegfried - good bannerman
Hjalmar, ralf - solid ranged by peasant militia standards
hartwig, dietrich - good in both melee attack and defense
anselm - don't worry about having to use him as fodder but may develop into a decent tank with some levels
reiner - good melee attack, poor melee defense, may have to put him on the front line early but if he survives he is a great 2 tile melee user
bernfried, geralt - could be useful fodder early on, consider firing one of them maybe immediately.
guntram, olaf, raimund - should be immediately fired for sure.

1 Map Seeds "Warriors of the North" Please pin this thread. When you post your seed, please post your company origination as well. 10 мая. 2019 в 9:26

The best map I've ever discovered as a map is ROBINHOOD with all caps, meaning you need to hold down shift while typing. Capslock might also work but I never tried it.

By best I mean good dye trading in the south, all village types represented at least once, and ports in the sw, s, nw, and ne.

Hoggart start has swift on the tank, night owl on the axe, and quick and survivor on the archer. All positive and no negative.

A new company has the same traits as above.

The peasant militia has 1 guy with 2 negative traits but between the rest there's 2 negative between 2 guys, 2 gluttons, a huge, and the rest all either positive or traitless. Basically it's the least bad traitwise you can probably get with a start with all peasants.

Poacher start has a hunter with loyal, a poacher with spartan, and a poacher with quick and disloyal.

Beast Slayers have 1 with loyal, 1 with hate for beasts, and the archer with quick and dexterous.

Trader starts with 1 with craven, and 1 with loyal and huge. Craven means he's always content in reserve.

Deserters has 1 with clumsy, 1 with craven, and 1 traitless.

Cultists have 1 with huge and swift, 1 with quick, 1 with eagle eye, and 1 with brave.

Northern raiders, the monk has survivor, and barbs have 1 traitless, 1 with huge and swift, and 1 with dumb and iron lung.

Lone Wolf has hate for undead.

So all the starts except deserter are decent traitwise, if you consider craven positive. Otherwise the trader loses too.

10 мая. 2019 в 9:28 Fantastic. Thanks! 10 мая. 2019 в 9:51

VKBYRFAAGB (all caps) - Lone Wolf adventure challenge map

This is not a good map by conventional standards.

It has a 2/9/8 house split, and of the two citadels one has OS+BF, the other only BF. There are a few HCs, but not in ideal locations. Trade goods are unimpressive (best is a salt and gems in one mountain settlement that isn't that far out of the way, a salt in a village, and a dye in a city) and the map itself features a lot of woods and mountains with poor road connectivity. Harbours are only in the south.

Getting around on this map requires occasionally lengthy detours along the roads or braving the wilderness shortcuts without roads to speed movement. You will find no good trade routes here.

But what the map does have is the best lone wolf Hedge Knight I've been able to roll so far, with very high rolls and good traits.

Iron Lungs
MA 72, MD 5, RD 4, 72 HP, 109 FAT, 49 RES

This is a map made for hard adventures, and this hedge knight is the right man for the job.

Отредактировано peterebbesen; 10 мая. 2019 в 10:39 10 мая. 2019 в 9:57 DGVAEHLPPB - Lone Wolf Iron Lungs + Luck 10 мая. 2019 в 10:00

spent a few hours searching for poacher seeds. here are 3 I've found that look interesting.

hunter: loyal
bow poacher: hate greenskins
sling poacher: impatient
nobles balance is 9-6-4, cold relations with the house with 4 settlements
starting bro stats are great.

hunter: eagle eye, fearless
bow poacher: spartan, athletic
sling poacher: spartan, survivor
nobles balance is 9-7-3, cold relations with the house with 3 settlements.
starting bro stats are very good.
there are 7 harbors, but the water is kinda in the way in some cases. one of the citadels is a warport with neither blast furnace nor ore smelter. most of the water is in the territory of the house with 7 settlements, if you'd rather stay on land, the house with 9 settlements's territory is nice and includes 2 blast furnaces and 2 ore smelters and decently spaced settlements.

10 мая. 2019 в 10:06

Ports in south and northwest. One house holds the southern half of the map with 10 settlements. Highlights of the south house are a citadel with all the goodies, and 2 towns each next to a village with dye.

This makes it good for the raider start because half the map is friendly.

Raider 1: Traitless
Raider 2: Survivor and drunkard
Raider 3: Sure footed
Monk: Tiny

Lonewolf: Bright and Athletic

Farmer: Traitless
Farmer 2: Craven
Poacher: Swift
Vagabond: Tiny, Pessimist
Daytaler: Traitless
Miller: Eagle Eye and 2 * in range attack
Fisherman: Survivor
Militia: Iron Lung
Bard: Disloyal
Daytaler 2: Traitless
Militia 2: Impatient, Quick
Shepherd: Superstitious

A few nice ones in the peasants but also a few duds.

11 мая. 2019 в 3:20

Lone Wolf
Hedge Knight: Iron Jaw + Athletic

11 мая. 2019 в 5:17 PYZZRUCROR
tried with barbarians. seems to be pretty good 11 мая. 2019 в 7:38

Cultists of Davkul start - AVMIGXSVRT
2 cultist have iron lungs, the starred stats are a bit suboptimal on these (1 ranged, but also 1 mdef and 1 rdef), but the rolls still give good stats for a melee build, so they it's not an issue really.
1 cultist with sure footing with 2 stars in melee attack and 1 in melee defence.
1 cultist with night owl, 3 stars in melee defence.

The map is OK, plenty of fletchers and armorers in the northern noble house, a bit less weaponsmithies overall. A slightly average variety of trading resources. Civilization leans towards the west of the map, with harbors here and there. the south and south west is a bit hard to traverse.

11 мая. 2019 в 7:51 Can we please get a Map set-up option put in game as well? So hard to get a decent map and now with the new starts Отредактировано timmonsisold66; 11 мая. 2019 в 8:09 11 мая. 2019 в 8:10 More Lone Wolf seeds, please - Iron Lungs required ;) 11 мая. 2019 в 9:21

Lone Wolf has iron lung and fat, but the map is pretty decent.

Amber, salt, and dye in the south. The north east has a port that's a small village with amber collectors that's right next to a citadel with a blast furnace and smelter. There's a castle with another blast furnace near there too. In the south where the trading mostly is there's another citadel with a smelter and blast furnace. Also the south has a established settlement and large fine arts city that both have hunters cabins. There's a lumber village and a swamp motte and bailey with a mushroom grove.

It's a good map. I'm not sure I like the fat trait though.

11 мая. 2019 в 9:24

Lone Wolf has iron lung and fat, but the map is pretty decent.

Amber, salt, and dye in the south. The north east has a port that's a small village with amber collectors that's right next to a citadel with a blast furnace and smelter. There's a castle with another blast furnace near there too. In the south where the trading mostly is there's another citadel with a smelter and blast furnace. Also the south has a established settlement and large fine arts city that both have hunters cabins. There's a lumber village and a swamp motte and bailey with a mushroom grove.

It's a good map. I'm not sure I like the fat trait though.

Hmm, yeah; I think Fat is a deal breaker for me if I am playing Lone Wolf. If I am putting all my eggs in one basket, then that basket better be sturdy! ;)

The guy in Peterebbesen's map looks excellent, but he says the map itself is poor. So I am hesitant there as well.

11 мая. 2019 в 10:00

spent a few hours searching for poacher seeds. here are 3 I've found that look interesting.

hunter: loyal
bow poacher: hate greenskins
sling poacher: impatient
nobles balance is 9-6-4, cold relations with the house with 4 settlements
starting bro stats are great.

hunter: eagle eye, fearless
bow poacher: spartan, athletic
sling poacher: spartan, survivor
nobles balance is 9-7-3, cold relations with the house with 3 settlements.
starting bro stats are very good.
there are 7 harbors, but the water is kinda in the way in some cases. one of the citadels is a warport with neither blast furnace nor ore smelter. most of the water is in the territory of the house with 7 settlements, if you'd rather stay on land, the house with 9 settlements's territory is nice and includes 2 blast furnaces and 2 ore smelters and decently spaced settlements.

so I've now checked all 3 of these seeds I reccomended for poachers for their stats in all of the other origins. most were not noteworthy, but here are the ones that were worth trying.

only the basic game companions start was interesting (besides the poacher start)
companions: shield - eagle eye. axe - bright, iron lungs. bow - spartan

only the barbarians start was interesting (besides the poacher start)
the nobles balance is 9-6-4 and the house with 9 settlements is not hostile.
barb1: traitless. barb2: hate greenskins, dexterous. barb3: athletic. monk: traitless.

only the peasant militia start was interesting (besides the poacher start)
6 of them (half) have 2 stars or more in melee defense. 2 more have 1 star in melee defense.
top 3 bros are - a farmhand with 3 stars melee attack(53), 2 stars melee defense. a poacher with 2 stars ranged attack(47) and 3 stars melee defense. a miller with 1 star melee attack(57) and two stars melee defense.

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