Bare knuckle 3 sega коды game genie

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Languages Size CRC32 Region Serial
English 3M D5BB15D9 USA No

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Master Codes

Info Master code by Chemist

Game Genie

Info/Note Master Code by Tony Hedstrom

Game Genie

Info Activate 9 lives in options by gedowski

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Kick Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Skate Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Super Axel Mode by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Very Hard In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Zan Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activates Level Select In Options by gedowski

Game Genie

Info Activates level select in Options (Alt) by Tony Hedstrom

Game Genie

Info Allways Have 3 Stars by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Apples don't heal at all (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Apples heal to above the maximum amount (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Auto pause by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Axel Has A Fast Kick by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info/Note Axel has different bare knuckle sound by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Axel Run Fast by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Axel's Bare Knuckle Moves Fast by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Axel's jump kick does more damage by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Blaze Kick Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Blaze Punch Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Blaze Special by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Blaze's jump kick does more damage [some hits] by Galoob

Game Genie

Info/Note Can change characters anytime you enter a new area by BigBossman

Game Genie

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Can use the B button for a special move for all characters and it doesn't take any health by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Different running attack 1 by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Different running attack 2 by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Different running attack 3 by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Different running attack 4 by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info/Note Don't Lose Your Weapon When You're Hit Or Shot by Tony Hedstrom

Game Genie

Info Enable Very Easy In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code 9 Lives In Options by Fanat

Info Enabled Cheat Code Play As The Same Character by Fanat

Info Enabled Cheat Code Roo In Table Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Cheat Code Stage Select In Options by Fanat

Info Enabled Cheat Code Stage Select In Options by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code Super Zan by Fanat

Info Enabled Secret Code Super Skate by Fanat

Info Enemies Can't Hurt P1 by Hacc

Info Enemies Can't Hurt P2 by Hacc

Info/Note Fighting in the dark by BigBossman

Info Fix Caterpillar Issue In Level 3 by Whipon

Game Genie

Info General always has infinite HP by silentkiller

Info/Note General Health Bar Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note General/Chief's portrait modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Hit Anywhere by nolberto82

Game Genie

Info Infinite Bat/Plank Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Continues by Unknown

Info Infinite continues (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy by VisitntX

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy Power Attack All Characters by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Infinite Health by Urusblugo

Info Infinite lives by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Infinite Lives by Unknown

Info Infinite Special by Unknown

Info Infinite Swords And Daggers Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Time For Robot Y by blindpainkiller

Info Infinite Time In Round 6 by blindpainkiller

Info Invincibility by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Invincibility by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Invincibility (Disable Hit Detection) by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Invincible by Urusblugo

Info/Note Jump in Midair by nolberto82

Game Genie

Info Lv6 General Never Dies by Whipon

Game Genie

Info No Music During Gameplay by Me

Game Genie

Info No pause by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info No Strength loss for special attacks (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info One Hit Kills For Enemies by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info P1 and P2 can be the same character by gedowski

Game Genie

Info Play As Ash by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Play as Ash by BigBossman

Info Play as Axel by silentkiller

Game Genie

Info Play as Blaze by silentkiller

Game Genie

Info Play as Roo by silentkiller

Game Genie

Info Play As Shiva by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Play as Shiva by BigBossman

Info/Note Player 1 Modifier by BigBossman

Info Player 1 starts with 5 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 1 starts with 7 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 1 starts with 9 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 1 starts with no continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 2 starts with 5 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 2 starts with 7 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 2 starts with 9 continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Player 2 starts with no continues by Galoob

Game Genie

Info/Note Quick Score Gain by Helder

Info/Note Regional lockout bypass code by Chemist

Game Genie

Info Regional lockout bypass code (Master code is necessary.) by Chemist

Game Genie

Info Roo (Victy) is available in the character selection screen by Tony Hedstrom

Game Genie

Info/Note Select another character when you enter a new area by BigBossman

Info Skate's jump kick does more damage by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Stage Select by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Start with 10 lives (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Start with 6 lives (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Start with 7 lives (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Start with 8 lives (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Start with 9 lives (Not on Continues) by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Start with 99 Lives by Urusblugo

Info Super Axel by SolientGreen

Info Super Skate by SolientGreen

Info Super Zan by SolientGreen

Info Sword and dagger don't get used up when attacking by Galoob

Game Genie

Info Swords Doesn't Lose Hp When Ninjas Drops Them by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Two Players As Same Character by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Axel Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Power Attack Unlimited Skate Bat Special Power Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Unlimited Power by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Skate Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Unlimited Stars by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Zan Weapons Special Attacks by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Weapons Never Dissapear by Whipon

Game Genie

Info You Can Flip Off Any Enemy by daminmancejin

Game Genie

Info Zan's jump kick does more damage [some hits] by Galoob

Languages Size CRC32 Region Serial
Japanese 3M 5D09236F Japan G-4116

View Download

Master Codes

Info Master code by Chemist

Game Genie

Info/Note Shorter Anti-Lockout Code For US System by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Activate 9 Lives In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Kick Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Level Select In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Skate Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Super Axel Mode by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Zan Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Allways Have 3 Stars by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Battle Mode Stage Select by silentkiller

Info Blaze Kick Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Blaze Punch Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Blaze Special by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Boss Health Bar Size by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info Boss Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Character Change In-Game by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Enable Stage Select in Options by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Enable Stage Select in Options and Stages 7 and 8 in Stage Select by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Enable Very Easy In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Enable Very Easy In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Enabled Animation On Title Screen by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Ash In Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Ash In Select Player by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code Stage Select In Options by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code Victy In Table Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Shiva In Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Shiva In Select Player by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Execute Flying Barge Attack For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info/Note Execute Flying Barge Attack For Player 2 by silentkiller

Info Fix Caterpillar Issue In Level 3 by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Flying Barge Attack Left Animation For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info Flying Barge Attack Right Animation For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Infinite Hp by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Largest Health Bar by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Smallest Health Bar Size by silentkiller

Info/Note General/Chief's Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Hidden Level Select by blindpainkiller

Info/Note Hit Anywhere by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Infinite Bat/Plank Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Continue by Fanat

Info Infinite Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy by VisitntX

Info Infinite Energy by VisitntX

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy Boss by silentkiller

Info Infinite Energy P2 by Unknown

Info Infinite Energy Power Attack All Characters by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Infinite Knives by Whipon

Info Infinite Kunais by Whipon

Info Infinite Lives by VisitntX

Info Infinite Lives by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Lives Boss by silentkiller

Info Infinite Lives P2 by Unknown

Info Infinite Power P1 by Whipon

Info Infinite Power P2 by Whipon

Info Infinite Swords And Daggers Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Swords, Bats, Pipes And Sticks by Whipon

Info Infinite Time For Robot Y by blindpainkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Belt Conveyer by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Belt Conveyer by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Construction Site by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Construction Site by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Morning Forest by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Morning Forest by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Subway / Trap Room 1 / Trap Room 3 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Subway / Trap Room 1 / Trap Room 3 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Sunset/Disco/Trap Room 2 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Sunset/Disco/Trap Room 2 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Trap Room 4 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Trap Room 4 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Level 6 by blindpainkiller

Info/Note Instant Kill Boss by silentkiller

Info Invincibility by VisitntX

Info Invincibility by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Invincibility (Disable Hit Detection) by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Invincibility (Disable Hit Setection) by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Invincibility P1 by Whipon

Info Invincibility P2 by Whipon

Info Invincible by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info/Note Lv6 General Allways Alive by Whipon

Info Lv6 General Never Dies by Whipon

Game Genie

Info No HP Loss From Special Attack by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Override Anti-Lockout Code For Us System by Unknown

Game Genie

Info P1 2-hits combo when you press attack button by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Character Modifer by Whipon

Info/Note P1 Character Select Screen by silentkiller

Info P1 Fast Charge Meter Charge by silentkiller

Info P1 Max Score by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info P1 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 sprites animation by silentkiller

Info P1 Start With 09 Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info P1 Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info P2 2-hits combo when you press attack button by silentkiller

Info P2 Character Modifier by Whipon

Info/Note P2 Character Select Screen by silentkiller

Info P2 Fast Charge Meter Charge by silentkiller

Info P2 Max Score by silentkiller

Info/Note P2 Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note P2 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info P2 Start With 09 Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info P2 Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info Play As Ash by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Play As Supe Axel by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Play As Super Axel by Fanat

Info/Note Player 1 and 2 can control the player characters in demostration mode by silentkiller

Info Player 1 Score Points Modifier by silentkiller

Info Player 2 Score Points Modifier by silentkiller

Info Player characters controlled by cpu master code 1 by silentkiller

Info Player characters controlled by cpu master code 2 by silentkiller

Info Regional lockout bypass code. Master code is necessary by Chemist

Game Genie

Info Some enemies will not be able to grab you by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Stage Select by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Super Axel by Whipon

Info Super Kick Axel by Whipon

Info Super Punch Axel by Whipon

Info Super Skate by Whipon

Info Super Zan by Whipon

Info Swords Doesn't Lose Hp When Ninjas Drops Them by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Two Players As Same Character by Fanat

Info Two Players As Same Character by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Axel Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Power Attack Unlimited Skate Bat Special Power Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Unlimited Power by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Skate Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Zan Weapons Special Attacks by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Victy (Roo) is available in the character selection screen by Tony Hedstrom

Languages Size CRC32 Region Serial
Japanese 3M 5D09236F Japan G-4116

View Download

Master Codes

Info Master code by Chemist

Game Genie

Info/Note Shorter Anti-Lockout Code For US System by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Activate 9 Lives In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Kick Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Axel Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Level Select In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Skate Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Super Axel Mode by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Activate Zan Super Punch Combo by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Allways Have 3 Stars by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Battle Mode Stage Select by silentkiller

Info Blaze Kick Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Blaze Punch Does Masive Damage by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Blaze Special by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Boss Health Bar Size by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Boss Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info Boss Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Can Select Stage 7 And 8 In The Stage Select Menu by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Character Change In-Game by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Enable Stage Select in Options by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Enable Stage Select in Options and Stages 7 and 8 in Stage Select by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Enable Very Easy In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Enable Very Easy In Options by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Enabled Animation On Title Screen by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Ash In Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Ash In Select Player by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code Stage Select In Options by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Enabled Cheat Code Victy In Table Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Shiva In Select Player by Fanat

Info Enabled Shiva In Select Player by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Execute Flying Barge Attack For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info/Note Execute Flying Barge Attack For Player 2 by silentkiller

Info Fix Caterpillar Issue In Level 3 by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Flying Barge Attack Left Animation For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info Flying Barge Attack Right Animation For Player 1 by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Infinite Hp by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Largest Health Bar by silentkiller

Info General Always Has Smallest Health Bar Size by silentkiller

Info/Note General/Chief's Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note Hidden Level Select by blindpainkiller

Info/Note Hit Anywhere by terpsfan101

Game Genie

Info Infinite Bat/Plank Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Continue by Fanat

Info Infinite Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy by VisitntX

Info Infinite Energy by VisitntX

Game Genie

Info Infinite Energy Boss by silentkiller

Info Infinite Energy P2 by Unknown

Info Infinite Energy Power Attack All Characters by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Infinite Knives by Whipon

Info Infinite Kunais by Whipon

Info Infinite Lives by VisitntX

Info Infinite Lives by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Lives Boss by silentkiller

Info Infinite Lives P2 by Unknown

Info Infinite Power P1 by Whipon

Info Infinite Power P2 by Whipon

Info Infinite Swords And Daggers Hits by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Infinite Swords, Bats, Pipes And Sticks by Whipon

Info Infinite Time For Robot Y by blindpainkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Belt Conveyer by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Belt Conveyer by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Construction Site by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Construction Site by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Morning Forest by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Morning Forest by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Subway / Trap Room 1 / Trap Room 3 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Subway / Trap Room 1 / Trap Room 3 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Sunset/Disco/Trap Room 2 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Sunset/Disco/Trap Room 2 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Trap Room 4 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Battle Mode Trap Room 4 by silentkiller

Info Infinite Time In Level 6 by blindpainkiller

Info/Note Instant Kill Boss by silentkiller

Info Invincibility by VisitntX

Info Invincibility by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Invincibility (Disable Hit Detection) by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Invincibility (Disable Hit Setection) by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Invincibility P1 by Whipon

Info Invincibility P2 by Whipon

Info Invincible by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info/Note Lv6 General Allways Alive by Whipon

Info Lv6 General Never Dies by Whipon

Game Genie

Info No HP Loss From Special Attack by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Override Anti-Lockout Code For Us System by Unknown

Game Genie

Info P1 2-hits combo when you press attack button by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Character Modifer by Whipon

Info/Note P1 Character Select Screen by silentkiller

Info P1 Fast Charge Meter Charge by silentkiller

Info P1 Max Score by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info P1 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info/Note P1 sprites animation by silentkiller

Info P1 Start With 09 Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info P1 Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info P2 2-hits combo when you press attack button by silentkiller

Info P2 Character Modifier by Whipon

Info/Note P2 Character Select Screen by silentkiller

Info P2 Fast Charge Meter Charge by silentkiller

Info P2 Max Score by silentkiller

Info/Note P2 Portrait Modifier by silentkiller

Info/Note P2 Sprites Animation by silentkiller

Info P2 Start With 09 Continues by Whipon

Game Genie

Info P2 Unlimited Combos by silentkiller

Info Play As Ash by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Play As Supe Axel by Fanat

Game Genie

Info Play As Super Axel by Fanat

Info/Note Player 1 and 2 can control the player characters in demostration mode by silentkiller

Info Player 1 Score Points Modifier by silentkiller

Info Player 2 Score Points Modifier by silentkiller

Info Player characters controlled by cpu master code 1 by silentkiller

Info Player characters controlled by cpu master code 2 by silentkiller

Info Regional lockout bypass code. Master code is necessary by Chemist

Game Genie

Info Some enemies will not be able to grab you by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Stage Select by davintheraven

Game Genie

Info Super Axel by Whipon

Info Super Kick Axel by Whipon

Info Super Punch Axel by Whipon

Info Super Skate by Whipon

Info Super Zan by Whipon

Info Swords Doesn't Lose Hp When Ninjas Drops Them by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Two Players As Same Character by Fanat

Info Two Players As Same Character by Fanat

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Axel Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Katana Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Blaze Kunai/Dagger Special Power Attack Unlimited Skate Bat Special Power Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Unlimited Power by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Skate Kunai/Dagger Special Attack by Whipon

Game Genie

Info/Note Unlimited Zan Weapons Special Attacks by Whipon

Game Genie

Info Victy (Roo) is available in the character selection screen by Tony Hedstrom

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