Адский остров payday 2 код

Обновлено: 02.07.2024


Assets [ ]

Purchasable [ ]

Intel [ ]

Objectives [ ]

(Note: specific wordings may not be identical)

  • Enter the compound
  • Survive the ambush
  • Enter the security center
  • Follow Bain through the [Laundry Room / Cafeteria]
  • Drill the door
  • Take the keys
  • Follow Bain
  • Escort Locke
  • Extend the Bridge
  • Escort Locke
  • Hack the Electrical Box
  • Escort Locke
  • Escape

Overview [ ]

Payday 2. Как пройти карту HELL`S ISLAND. Death sentence. One Down.

Payday 2. Как пройти карту HELL`S ISLAND. Death sentence. One Down.

The FBI Files [ ]

We have received a report by locals of suspected gunfire in an old abandoned prison owned by Murkywater on the west coast. Eyewitness reports report several helicopters in the area. However, none of this has been confirmed by local authorities, which makes further investigation difficult.

Notes: Not sure what to make of this. Murkywater has a lot of facilities they don’t openly admit to owning. Did this involve Bain somehow?


Статистика: PAYDAY 2 > General Discussions > Подробности темы Тема закрыта 7 окт. 2018 в 18:09 Склони чашу весов Найдите секретный подвал в убежище. Кто-то знает где он находится)?

7 окт. 2018 в 18:32 В старом убежище есть статуя леди правосудия, нужно закинуть деньги на весы. 7 окт. 2018 в 18:55 А как в старое зайти :)? 7 окт. 2018 в 18:55

7 окт. 2018 в 19:01

В него больше нельзя вернуться если вы перешагнули за 25ый уровень. Но.
В новом убежище есть Стрельбище Джон Уика, его следует обновить до 3ей ступени. В нём есть та же самая статуя.

На этом сайте вы найдёте все игровые видео выпущенные на канале YouRoPlay.

Walkthrough [ ]

The heist begins with the crew in a sewer entrance, with nowhere to go but up the nearby ladder, the player must wait for a familiar voice to finish their line, at which point the manhole becomes interactable.

Upon opening the manhole, however, the crew is greeted with 3-5 Murkywater soldiers facing the crew in a showering room, with more coming around the corner.

At this point, the crew must survive an ambush assault and kill 30 opponents (40 when playing Overkill+). During this wave, Murkywater units will continuously appear in the many windows lining the upper walls.

While here, the player should grab a portion of thermite found in a red box, two if multiple players are involved. Once the alloted number of kills is reached, a set of doors around the corner from the manhole will open. The crew must turn right and traverse a short hallway before turning right once more. In this hallway, another 5 Murkywater soldiers will appear, sprinting in the crew's direction.

Once the crew leaves the hallway, they will find the doors on the opposite side will not open, leaving the barred window to the left as the only way forward. The players must place 2 charges of thermite on one of the sets of bars (they can return to the first area to obtain any more thermite if needed). Once the thermite is done burning, the crew must jump through the resulting hole and enter the security office directly below.

Here, the crew must look through the camera feed until one of the prisoners (Bain) becomes highlighted, take note of the 4 numbers directly next to the cell he is in and type the numbers (top to bottom, left to right) into the keypad and hit accept.

If the heist is on OVERKILL difficulty and below, and the wrong code is inputted, Locke will inform them of their mistake and the player may try again. However, if the heist is on Mayhem or above and the wrong code is inputted, they will instead have to wait 2 minutes before they can try again (this occurs even if the cell has no occupant). If the player types the correct code, they will have to wait for a 2 minute timelock to finish. Once this is done, Bain will leave his cell and run through a nearby door, out of the crew's view.

Locke will inform the crew of where he went, and the group must leave through a door to the left of the office, down a set of stairs where they will enter a room with a set of doors to their right. If it was purchased, the Ammo Bag dead drop will be found directly to the right upon entering. From here, leave through the nearby door and through the cell block.

Here, the heist branches; the crew will enter a room containing two possible paths, as well as a number of Murkywater corpses left behind by Bain, including that of Bulldozers and Cloakers. Earlier on, Locke had told the player that Bain had either left through the Cafeteria or the Laundry room, dictating the next part of the heist. Regardless, the objectives from here are identical, albeit with different area design.

The crew will have to run through a short series of rooms lined with Murkywater corpses, before being cut off by a locked fence. A keychain can be found in a nearby room that must be drilled open to enter (60 second drill, does not jam). Once the keychain has been obtained, the fence can be opened. Right past these doors, the Doctor Bag dead drop can be found, assuming it was purchased, along with a potential SWAT Turret.

Afterwards, the paths reconnect, ending the major random aspect of the heist. Here, the crew must simply traverse a number of halls and rooms until they enter one with a set of stairs. Up said stairs, another set of bars will block the way; these ones are not locked however and can be passed with a simple interaction, directly past them a lever must be pulled, which will allow the group to continue through another set of double doors.

Once the doors open, a Point of No Return timer will trigger. The crew can bear witness to Bain, fully visible, dropping Kento's corpse to the ground. After doing so, he will look towards the group (or at least where they came from) and drop to the ground unconscious. Meanwhile, as soon as the doors open, Locke can be seen directly to the players left, rappelling from the wall followed by him running towards Bain. Locke picks up Bain and begins slowly moving towards the helicopter on the other side of the roof. The crew is tasked with escorting him through the area (although enemies actually can't interrupt him as he moves, unlike escort objectives in other heists).

After a short stint, Locke will be unable to continue due to a retracted bridge, which the crew can extend by picking the lock of the small tower directly next to Locke's hiding spot. As soon as the player pulls the lever in said room, the bridge will re-extend and Locke will continue on.

A few seconds later, Locke will move down a short set of stairs into a lowered section of the roof and wait in a small space while he rests until 10 kills have been made. Afterwards, he will continue up a nearby set of stairs and end up right next to the helipad. At the top of the stairs near Locke's hiding place, the Throwable Case dead drop can be found, assuming it was purchased.

Locke will take cover along with Bain behind a nearby set of boxes and ask the crew to hack a nearby electrical box (60 second hack on Overkill and above, 30 seconds otherwise, cannot be interrupted) in order to open the security door leading to the helipad. Once this is done, Locke will move through the door, up the stairs and towards the helicopter. Once he reaches the helicopter, the escape zone will appear around the helicopter allowing the player to finish the heist. Before doing so the player can shoot a few potshots at the lighthouse nearby to destroy the light, getting an achievement.

Strategy [ ]

Variations [ ]

  • The thermite may be found either in the corner behind the manhole to the right with a shelf, or on a table to the left of the manhole.
  • The escape route Bain takes can be either the Laundry room or the Cafeteria, however both routes, aside from different layouts, are identical.
  • The electrical box the player must hack might be right next to the security fence, or a small distance away, on a lowered wall.
  • The door on the security fence, activated by the previously mentioned electrical box, can be either right around the corner from the stairs where Locke rests, or around the corner closer to the far edge of the roof. Both doors exists, however one be be rendered unreachable by a stack of crates.

Mayhem+ Changes [ ]

  • Mayhem and above has an extra timer for the ambush.

Upon completion of the heist, Locke (may?) inform the player that Bain is acting strange and may end up dead, and according to professionals hired by Locke, he seems to have been infected with a possibly man-made virus.

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