A hat in time читы

Обновлено: 05.07.2024


Be sure to relaunch the game afterwards!


enablecheats (necessary to use the commands)

Summon HatinTimeGameContent.Hat_Collectible_RouletteToken – Creates a rift token

fly – Similar to ghost, but the player is able to collide with geometry.

ghost – Puts the player into a ‘ghostly’ state where they can fly, pass through geometry, and are not affected by damage

summon A list of summonable objects can be found here

walk – Disables fly/ghost Mode

changesize [number] – 1 is default, changes the size of Hat Kid

god – Toggles God Mode, making Hat Kid lose no health when attacked or damaged

slomo [number] – 1 is default, modifies the games speed

teleport – Teleports the player to the surface they are looking at

setspeed [number] – Modifies Hat Kids ground speed and water speed (only seems to work in water)

setgravity [number] – Changes the gravity

open [mapname] – Loads the inputted map (check C:\Program Files (x86)\A Hat in Time\HatinTimeGame\CookedPC\Maps) for maps.

setjumpz [number] – Changes your jump height

playersonly – Set the world to only update players, ignoring all other actors

killparticles – Deactivates particle systems and destroys all particles

FOV [number] – Changes FOV to given number (max 170, min 1, default 90)

suicide – Kills Hat Kid

showdebug – Toggles the overall display of properties of the player’s current ViewTarget

restartlevel – Restarts the level

invertmouse – Inverts the mouse vertically

invertturn – Inverts the mouse horizontally

jump – Makes Hat Kid jump (pretty obvious)

duck – Makes Hat Kid duck (pretty obvious)

unduck – Makes Hat Kid unduck

pause – Pauses the game

showmenu – Functions identically to pause

use – Makes Hat Kid interact, or attempt to interact.

freezeframe [number] – Forces the game to pause for the specified delay time (when tested escape immediately resumes the game)

stat fps – Toggles display of frames per second

showhud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

togglehud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

show particles – Toggles display of particle geometry

show rigidbody – Does something (I have no idea what this does)

show collision – Toggle display of collision primitives

show postprocess – Toggle display of post-process effects

show staticmeshes – Toggle display of static mesh geometry

show paths – Toggles display of paths or navigation meshes

show volumes – Toggles display of volumes

viewmode unlit – Renders scene with flat shading, i.e., no lighting

viewmode wireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view

viewmode brushwireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view showing brush edges

viewmode lightingonly – Renders scene using only the lighting information on the geometry

viewmode lightcomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the lighting on (number of dynamic lights affecting) each surface using specific colors to denote the number of lights

viewmode texturedensity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the diffuse channel on each surface using specific colors to indicate the density

viewmode shadercomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the material being used by each surface using specific colors to denote ranges of shader instructions

viewmode litlightmapdensity – Renders scene fully lit using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the lightmap on each surface.


Be sure to relaunch the game afterwards!


enablecheats (necessary to use the commands)

Summon HatinTimeGameContent.Hat_Collectible_RouletteToken – Creates a rift token

fly – Similar to ghost, but the player is able to collide with geometry.

ghost – Puts the player into a ‘ghostly’ state where they can fly, pass through geometry, and are not affected by damage

walk – Disables fly/ghost Mode

changesize [number] – 1 is the default, changes the size of Hat Kid

god – Toggles God Mode, making Hat Kid lose no health when attacked or damaged

slomo [number] – 1 is the default, modifies the games speed

teleport – Teleports the player to the surface they are looking at

setspeed [number] – Modifies Hat Kids ground speed and water speed (only seems to work in water)

setgravity [number] – Changes the gravity

open [mapname] – Loads the inputted map (check C:\Program Files (x86)\A Hat in Time\HatinTimeGame\CookedPC\Maps) for maps.

setjumpz [number] – Changes your jump height

playersonly – Set the world to only update players, ignoring all other actors

killparticles – Deactivates particle systems and destroys all particles

FOV [number] – Changes FOV to given number (max 170, min 1, default 90)

suicide – Kills Hat Kid

showdebug – Toggles the overall display of properties of the player’s current ViewTarget

restartlevel – Restarts the level

invertmouse – Inverts the mouse vertically

invertturn – Inverts the mouse horizontally

jump – Makes Hat Kid jump (pretty obvious)

duck – Makes Hat Kid duck (pretty obvious)

unduck – Makes Hat Kid unduck

pause – Pauses the game

showmenu – Functions identically to pause

use – Makes Hat Kid interact, or attempt to interact.

freezeframe [number] – Forces the game to pause for the specified

delay time (when tested escape immediately resumes the game)

stat fps – Toggles display of frames per second

showhud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

togglehud – Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.

show particles – Toggles display of particle geometry

show rigidbody – Does something

show collision – Toggle display of collision primitives

show postprocess – Toggle display of post-process effects

show staticmeshes – Toggle display of static mesh geometry

show paths – Toggles display of paths or navigation meshes

show volumes – Toggles display of volumes

viewmode unlit – Renders scene with flat shading, i.e., no lighting

viewmode wireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view

viewmode brushwireframe – Renders scene in a wireframe view showing brush edges

viewmode lightingonly – Renders scene using only the lighting information on the geometry

viewmode lightcomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the lighting on (number of dynamic lights affecting) each surface using specific colors to denote the number of lights

viewmode texturedensity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the diffuse channel on each surface using specific colors to indicate the density

viewmode shadercomplexity – Renders scene using a special shader that displays the complexity of the material being used by each surface using specific colors to denote ranges of shader instructions

viewmode litlightmapdensity – Renders scene fully lit using a special shader that displays the density of texels for the lightmap on each surface.

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